Building a University Residence in the Barcelona Synchrotron Park
In terms of its higher education offer, the Vallès region of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area is home to the UAB University, one of the best universities in Spain, and the prestigious business school ESADE. These two centres receive about 45,000 students.

The Barcelona Synchrotron Park (BSP), which is next to UAB and a few minutes away from ESADE, offers a strategically located and connected space for building a new university residence that would give students the opportunity to live in a green environment close to the leisure and cultural life of Barcelona.

Outside researchers who come for short or long-term stays in one of the many UAB or ESADE research centres and people visiting the companies set up in BSP are also an important potential for a future university residence.

For more information, download here the special report about the opportunity that BSP offers to invest in a university residence.

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