New CaixaBank's Data Center Implementation Completed In Barcelona Synchrotron Park
Barcelona Synchrotron Park (BSP) hosts the two Data Centers (DC) of CaixaBank, the 3rd Spanish bank in volume of assets: the first one operational since 2012 and the second one concluded in 2015 after a €100 million investment.

Last July, the ITnow company that operates these two DCs completed the transfer to the new DC. ITnow was created in 2012 by CaixaBank and IBM to make IBM the technology partner of the bank with a €2 billion service contract over the 2012-2022 period.

Within the framework of this cooperation, it’s worth mentioning that CaixaBank is the first bank in Spain to use the IBM Watson cognitive system and the first company in the world to train the system in Spanish. This pioneering cognitive technology understands natural language and can process information the way human beings do.

In addition to the two CaixaBank’s DCs, BSP also hosts an IBM’s DC (the unique IBM cloud computing center in Spain) and a T-Systems DC.

Due to its infrastructures and its location, BSP offers more than 70,000 m2 of land especially adapted to house DCs: top-level electric infrastructure (high capacity, high reliability, possibility of redundant power supply from cogeneration), top-quality telecommunications infrastructure (6 operators with own networks and different access points), clean ambient air and quite fresh and dry climate compatible with free-cooling technologies, minimal risks (flooding, earthquakes, fires, theft), minimal energy costs (outsourced cold production plants).

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