The Nanoworld Is Designed and Observed In and Nearby Barcelona Synchrotron Park
Last week, the new NFFA Europe program, which kicked off this year, was presented at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – UAB University.

NFFA stands for Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis. It is a new scientific infrastructure distributed across Europe that offers researchers and companies a free access to a wide range of tools to perform growth, nano-lithography, nano-characterization, theory and simulation and fine-analysis with synchrotron, FEL and neutron radiation sources.

This network gathers 15 centers from 8 different countries and the UAB campus, the Barcelona Synchrotron Park strategic partner, is one of them. More specifically, the Institute of Material Science of Barcelona (ICMAB), the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona and ALBA synchrotron are involved in the NFFA initiative. The program is coordinated in Barcelona by the UAB research park (PRUAB) and ICN2.

Until at least 2020, each researcher or company that needs these tools to develop and characterize nanomaterials can apply for one or more of these centers (one mandatory condition is to apply for facilities located in a foreign country) through a permanent call with every 3 months deadline. An international committee of experts advices candidates and selects the best proposals. Selected projects get a free access to the requested facilities and can even get a travel and subsistence support.

In order to promote this new infrastructure, a first NFFA summer school is organized in next July on the UAB campus.

Welcome to the UAB campus!

All the information is available on the NFFA website.

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