Barcelona Attractiveness Confirmed by Two International Rankings
Mainly due to its environment attractiveness, Barcelona ranks 6th as best worldwide city reputation behind Sidney, Melbourne, Stockholm, Vienna and Vancouver according to the last City RepTrack 2015 ranking released last month by the Reputation Institute.

In order to perform this 99 cities ranking, 13 different parameters grouped into 3 dimensions (administration efficiency, degree of advanced economy and environment attractiveness) were analyzed. The reason why Barcelona ranks among the Top 10 cities depends largely on the very good result (rank #3) obtained for the third criterion.

Beside, the capital of Catalonia ranks 4th behind New York, London and Helsinki according to the 2015 CITIE (City Initiatives for Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship) ranking.

In this study carried out on 40 worldwide different cities, CITIE analyzed three parameters (three criteria per parameter): openness, infrastructure and leadership. Barcelona ranks in the group of the so-called Front Runners thanks to its commitment with innovation and entrepreneurship.

Barcelona Synchrotron Park generally explains that the most important asset offered to its companies is its innovation-conducive environment. These two rankings confirm the quality of it.

Image: CITIE

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